About us
Thank you for visiting our site. We hope to have an opportunity to meet you in our services.
The People are Christians Only
Many in America are searching for a church. The confusion and division in the religious world has resulted in many names and creeds. We have no creed but Christ, accept no book but the Bible, and wear no name but Christian. We believe that when we follow the Bible only, we will be Christians only.
You will Always find a Friendly Welcome
Soloman said, "He who would have friends must show himself friendly." Our loving, small congregation will greet you with a friendly smile and a warm, relaxed welcome. Every visitor is an honored guest. A cordial invitation is always extended and a gracious welcome always awaits you. Please feel free to get to know us better on our Facebook pages or in services.
Becoming a Christian
We believe that it is by grace we are saved. It is through our response of faith in wholeheartedly believing that Jesus is the son of God, that He died to take the penalty of our sins on Himself, and that He was raised from the dead on the third day by the power of God. Every person capable of faith is called by God to believe in Jesus as their Savior, repent of sin in their life, make a public confession of faith that Jesus is Lord, and be joined to Christ and His church by receiving baptism (immersion) in his name. Having made this response of faith, all sin is forgiven and we receive the gift of God's Holy Spirit to live in us and to empower us to live for Jesus. All those who come to faith in Him may request baptism at any time.
Ephesians 2:8; John 8:24; Luke 3:3, 5; I Timothy 6:12;
Mark 16:16; Romans 6:3-6; Acts 2:38
Sharing the Gospel
You may request baptism or seek prayers on your behalf by going forward during the time of response; or by contacting the minister or any member of this congregation at any time.