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Writer's picture: The Preacher SaysThe Preacher Says

People ask: "How do you avoid discouragement?" All of us get down at times. It is part of what it means to be human. In "our" circle, however, this question is often associated with an ex-offender who is not doing well. Let me offer a few of my counter-thoughts.

(1) I force myself out of my fish bowl so I can see the "bigger" picture. When I compare new Christians coming out of prison to new Christians who have never been in prison, the scene is similar. Look through last year's list of baptisms in the local congregation. Where are they today? Get the point?

(2) Still, I may need to ask more questions. Each soul gets to make his/her own choices. I cannot rob souls of this responsibility. I want to be the best possible example, but I cannot "control" or "force" desired behaviors or conduct.

(3) I stand ready to help any Christian who has stumbled and seeks to get back up. I will go the Second Mile. I am eager and anxious to help. However, if one is intent on doing wrong, I will not hunt them down and expend all my energy chasing, phoning and getting them to do what is right.

(4) Most of my time is dedicated to working with those who sincerely want to change their lives. They may also stumble frequently, but they do not hide, deny, or run the other direction. They continue to seek fellowship with good people, attend church services, and refuse to give up. They energize me.

(5) Jesus stressed the value of just ONE soul. I steer away from the "numbers" game. I know the Lord wants to see the whole world saved, but I can't reach "two" until I reach "one". One billion starts with one. I do my best when I focus one-on-one...eye ball to eyeball.

(6) Now, I try to step back and really see the BIG picture. In my tunnel vision, I forget the ex-offenders who are faithfully serving the Lord today as preachers, missionaries, soulwinners, Bible School teachers, deacons and even elders in the church. It is not easy but through the power of Christ, lives have been drastically changed!

(7) I'm feeling much better. I'm getting enthused to rush back into the lion's den and rescue the perishing. Yes, it's hard work and sometimes I get "down" after much sweat and tears, but I cannot give up. I am dedicating myself to do a better job in the future. My "best" is all I can do. I must accept my limitations. I am just one of God's servants, not GOD.

God did not say serving Him would be easy. He did not promise everyone would say, "Thank you very much" or "I really appreciate you." They did not say such things to our Lord either.

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Writer's picture: The Preacher SaysThe Preacher Says

Turn Down the Outrage

By Robb Hadley

Scott Slayton, a Baptist preacher in Alabama, writes: "We have become a people who are addicted to outrage. Every day, we pick up our phones and are immediately bombarded with a thousand headlines yelling, 'here's something for you to be angry about!’  Like pigs going back m:o the s1op, every day we fall for the controversy de jour and work ourselves into a tizzv over something said or done by one we don't even know."

Maybe it's not your phone which proclaims the outrage, perhaps it is your news network. Whatever the source, there are plenty of outrage machines for people of every political stripe.

My point is not that there is a shortage of the outrageous. My point is that outrage has spilled into every corner of our lives. We are tempted to live for it, to search for it, to proclaim it. Loudly.

There is a problem in that for the Christian. We have something far more important to proclaim: the only thing that can fix broken humanity and our broken world. The wise man wrote: "With his mouth the godless man destroys his neighbor, But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered" (Proverbs 11.9).

It is hard to share the Gospel at the top of your lungs!

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Writer's picture: The Preacher SaysThe Preacher Says


This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it, Or use it for good. What I do today is important, Because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.

When tomorrow comes, This day will be gone forever. Leaving in its place Something I have traded for it. I want it to be gain not loss; good not evil; SUCCESS not failure; In order that I shall not regret the price  I paid for it.

--Dr. Heartsill Wilson

May I ask you some questions?

If you were to die today, where would you spend eternity?

If the Lord were to return today, would you be prepared to meet Him?

Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God?

Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

Are you searching for the truth?

Are you confused as to what truth is?

So, would you let us help you find the answers to the questions we have listed?

No, we don’t claim to know everything.  However, we do believe we can use the Bible as our guide for all of the answers to the questions we have listed.


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