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Writer's picture: The Preacher SaysThe Preacher Says

Unconditional Love

By Keith Bellamy

A loving spirit is a great asset. People can tell when people love. It is a terrific attitude that can be taught and instilled in others. Jesus had that kind of love and He showed it to His disciples.

I was reading in a newspaper several years ago, about gangs and gang violence. There was a lead article about a young lady that was once a gang member. She made the comment, that what gang members need, is unconditional love. She realized that could be found in Christ.

Isn’t it true that the entire world needs unconditional love? Only in our Savior, can we find that kind of love.

Someone has said, “We love others, not because of what they are, but because of what we are!” Someone else said, “Love isn’t what you say; it is what you do.”

When we talk about unconditional love, we are not talking about tolerating evil. We are talking about Jesus meeting us where we are and accepting us as a human being, even as frail as we are.

He loves us even when we goof up…when we mess up. He loves us even when we sin. I must believe that He loves me, even when I fail Him!

People that we might write off are often the ones that become the servants that Jesus would have us all to be. So, shouldn’t we be what He wants us to be?

The Bible is full of examples of those that a lot of folks would have written off. Thank God He didn't.

I would suggest that it is because He loves us so. He loves us so much, that He gave us His only begotten Son and He sacrificed Him for you and me.

He doesn't want anyone to perish but wants all people to come to Him (2 Peter 3:9). That’s unconditional love.

Writer's picture: The Preacher SaysThe Preacher Says

Take Out the Trash

By Keith Bellamy

A very famous writer recently wrote an article about Taking Out the Trash. Without getting into his article I want to write about a similar subject,

I never liked the responsibility taking out the trash. However, I still do it. It is a job and of course it must be done.

When I was very small, my dad would go to the city dump to shoot rats. This was back in the day when garbage dumps were burned. I remember Dad taking me there and I can remember the smell of the garbage burning. It was not pleasant.

I remember my grandfather Bellamy, working in what was the beginning of a land fill in West Virginia. He was hired because he was an expert bull dozer operator. He said you would be surprised at what people wanted to throw away.

But then I started thinking of the things that people want to bury. Some think they can just bury something and forget about what was buried.

Now, what about spiritual matters?

Don’t we sometimes think we can bury our personal garbage and we hope it will not come back to haunt us? But it doesn’t work does it?

Some of the stuff we try to bury smells doesn’t it? Some of it makes us sick to our stomach.

When sin creeps into our lives we must do all we can to get rid of it. Burying it and hoping it will go away doesn’t work!

Please examine the following scriptures and see if you will take out the trash.

“It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth” (Matthew 15:11, NLT).”

“For from within, out of a person's heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder” (Mark 7:21, NLT).

“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart” (Luke 6:45, NLT).

Writer's picture: The Preacher SaysThe Preacher Says


By Keith Bellamy

I'm not perfect! Sometimes there are those who think I should be because I’m a preacher. However, I am human, and I do make mistakes, and sometimes I stick that proverbial foot in my mouth. About the time I think I have all of this under control I do it again. I hope you don't.

Because I was given wrong information one time, I announced that someone had died. After I discovered the truth I was able to apologize to that person and even wrote an article in the local paper addressing a subject about not having all the facts.

Rumors persist, don't they? If you believe everything you have heard or read…especially on the Internet or from the news media, then I have some waterfront property in Arizona to sell you. You see--sometimes we don't have all the facts.

When someone points out I am wrong, I will try to admit it. I certainly don't want to hurt someone or damage someone's reputation. So, a few years ago, someone pointed out that I was wrong, I made some phone calls to say I was wrong and apologized.

A few years ago, I needed new glasses and the left lens was off some. The technician said she made a mistake. How unusual! She admitted to an error.

I'm not perfect and I don't think I have ever met someone who was. They crucified the only human being who was ever perfect!

However, I will admit wrong and say I'm sorry! Will you?

Jesus said in Matthew 7:1, 2, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."


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Woodville, Texas 75979                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

(409) 283-5977 

Keith Bellamy, Minister                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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