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Writer's picture: The Preacher SaysThe Preacher Says


By Keith Bellamy

You were probably taught when you were very young not to play with matches. You were warned you might get burned. I was one of those boys who didn’t always listen to my parents. And because I didn’t pay attention I got into trouble a lot.

One time I almost caught myself on fire playing with gasoline around a fire. Thankfully the gas can didn’t blow up. But it could have. I could have been burned.

So, what’s our subject about playing with fire all about?

There are decisions that are being made right now by those who think they know best. Some of those decisions are based not on fact but on greed. People like to quote statistics. I once taught statistics and statistics can be bent to whatever way you want them to go. It’s like playing with fire. Eventually you can get burned.

We live in a culture that plays with fire. That culture “says it is alright to do whatever I do as long as I don’t get caught. I can get drunk, run around on my wife, abuse my children, watch pornography, and even steal. It’s my life so I will do whatever I want to do.” That is the attitude of many in our society and even in our county and even in the church.

I would suggest that it isn’t the way of Christ.

Greed is greed. Sin is sin!

One of these days we will all have to answer.

But in the meantime, some will keep playing with fire! I hope you don’t get burned!

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death (NASB; Proverbs 14:12).

Writer's picture: The Preacher SaysThe Preacher Says

Getting Excited About Sharing the Gospel

By Keith Bellamy

There was a day when people got excited about sharing the gospel.

Thankfully there are those who want to support the prison ministry. World Bible School is offering Bibles in the ESV translation for $5.00. We have been blessed with two cases of those Bibles and they are being used in the prison ministry. The inmates like them and they also like the helps included in the Bible.

Last Sunday, nine men were baptized, and we want to think the Bibles donated helped. We know the material from New Life Behavior Ministries helps, too. I was first introduced to Christians Against Substance Abuse thirty years ago. I cannot count all of the conversions to Christ through these efforts.

Can you get excited about the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Think about it please!

We do not expect everyone to be involved in the prison ministry. However, I cannot describe the excitement that prevails in teaching the inmates wherever they may be.

Can you get excited about sharing the gospel? Someone shared the message of Christ with you, didn’t they?

Morgan Bruton responded to the gospel in Crosby on August 1. Someone cared enough to teach her and share the gospel of Jesus with her.

Someone counted thirteen times that church growth is mentioned in the book of Acts. Christians in the early church were excited about sharing the gospel.

There are so many people that don’t know Jesus. And it is up to each of us to share His Good News.

Will you help?

Writer's picture: The Preacher SaysThe Preacher Says

Getting Christ Outside the Church Building

By Keith Bellamy

It is a known face that the early church had no church buildings. They met in homes and sometimes they met in an undisclosed place because of persecution.

I wonder if we can get Christ outside the church building? By that I mean, is our Christianity relegated to the church building? Is this why so many people are turned off to Christianity?

So often, I hear some who make comments that I don’t attend church because there are phonies there. Is that true?

Or is just another way to make an excuse for not wanting anything to do with Christianity?

I think there must have been phonies in the early church. But it didn’t stop people from doing what they needed to do for Christ.

Do we understand we are the only Christ people will see? That’s kind of scary isn’t it?

Notice Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 3:2, 3. “You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show you are a letter from Christ sent through us. This letter is not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God. It is not written on stone tablets but on human hearts” (NCV).

I believe those early Christians were known by their example!

What about you?


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Woodville, Texas 75979                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

(409) 283-5977 

Keith Bellamy, Minister                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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