Visiting a new church can be very intimidating especially if you don't know what to expect.
The Worship is Simple and Biblical
We truly hope that you will be impressed by the simplicity, yet spirit of love in our services. They are designed to draw you closer to God and provide an atmosphere which will allow you to worship God in reverence and joy according to His will- (John 4:24).
Since all we do is governed by the Word of God, you will find us observing only those things contained in it. We do our best to follow the early church of the Bible in everything that we do. In our worship service you will find the following activities occurring each week:
To many our song worship will be a highlight. No mechanical instruments of music are used. As Christians we are commanded to sing and make melody in our heart- (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). The songs will be selected as to stir within you a desire to obedience and spiritual enjoyment. We encourage you to sing along with us.
Teaching God's Word
The teaching is designed to instruct and encourage you in ways of righteousness. You are invited to follow in the Bible as the lesson is presented. We trust that you will leave feeling benefited and challenged from these messages.
The collection, or contribution, is taken only at Sunday worship service. At this time, each gives of his means as he has been prospered and as he purposed in his heart- (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). It is voluntary and used for the needs of our people and many others. We do not wish to make visitors feel obligated to give.
The Lord's Supper
The Lord's Supper or the communion, is observed just as it was begun the night of our Lord's betrayal. The men at the table will give thanks for the bread and pass it on to one another until the whole assembly has eaten - (Acts 20:7). They will then take the cup, give thanks and pass the serving tray on to each Christian until all have been able to drink. Repeated every first day of the week, this communion is the highlight of our Christian worship - (Acts 20:7).
The prayers are designed to thank God for His blessings and request His continued care over us.
You will Never be embarrassed
At most services we sing an invitation song. Those wishing to become a Christian are invited to step forward and let their desires be made known. One who believes in Christ (Hebrews 11:6), repents of his sins (Luke 13:3), confesses Christ (Romans 10:9-10), and is baptized is promised remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). Coming forward is voluntary on the part of the one desiring to become a Christian. You will never be singled out for public attention or embarrassment.
Now that we have introduced you to our worship and its observance, perhaps you would like to know something about the people present.